
GraphQL, Spring Boot, React

A simple Twitter clone using React/Apollo to connect to a GraphQL Spring Boot API. This app supports viewing tweets made by other users, viewing user profiles, and creating new tweets. The purpose of this project was not to completely copy the functionality of Twitter. This project was created to explore how web applications built with Java and React can use GraphQL as an alternative to REST.


Spring Boot + AngularJS

A web app for searching horror movie information built with Spring Boot and AngularJS. The search page queries an Elasticsearch cluster of horror movies dating back to 1960 based on the filters that have been selected. A live demo of the app can be found here


React Native + Redux

A weather mobile app built with React Native and Redux. The app uses an API from to read weather data for different cities.


D3 + Flask

A data visualization project that plots NBA player statistics in the 2015/16 season against their expected salary for the next season. The project was built using Flask and D3.



This NPM module was built as part of the Terapeak Hackathon 2016. It can be used to bundle all locale translation JSON files into a single file using webpack. The plugin is also compatible with webpack-dev-server for hot reloading while editing translations.


React + Express

Evocative is a social commerce tool that allows online realtors and brand marketers to discover, authorize and publish content from Instagram on their websites to promote their brand. The tool itself was built using Express, React, and MySql.


Angular 2 + Express

This hangman game was built using Angular 2, Express and MongoDB. The app connects to a Mongo database and reads from a collection of popular movie quotes. The source code for this project can be found here.

Simple Foreign Exchange


This app can be used to look up current exchange rates between currencies. It was built using Java and the Android SDK. The app is available for download on Google Play. The source code can be found here.

Flickr Client

React Native

This iOS app uses the Flickr API to allow users to search for photos. There are options to sort search results by relevance, date posted, date taken, or interestingness. The app was built using React Native.


Sails JS

Millionshort is a search engine that can be used to filter out the top ranked domains from search results. While working on this project, Scott used a variety of Node JS and NoSQL tools including Sails JS, Jade, MongoDB, Redis, and various NPM modules.

Apples & Oranges


Apples & Oranges uses Tastekid's RESTful API to show movies, TV shows, books, video games, and music artists similar to what was entered in the search bar. This app is a rough prototype that was created to learn the Django framework and showcase the ability to work with a REST API.

Nextopia Shopify App

Ruby on Rails

This app was built using Ruby on Rails and Shopify's "shopify-app" gem. This app allows Shopify customers to integrate Nextopia search into their online store without having to provide a feed file for their product catalog to Nextopia.

Dinosaur Dictionary

Ruby on Rails

This app can be used to search for dinosaur species based on the user's search criteria. It was built using Ruby on Rails and connects to a Postgres database.

Nextopia Admin Panel


As a software developer for Nextopia, Scott worked on various features of Nextopia's product suite. These features included building a reporting section for autocomplete data, creating a geo-merchandizing section, implementing a templating system for Nextopia's "product finder" product, and many others. The server side code for Nextopia was written in PHP while the front end interface used jQuery for DOM manipulation.